Seattle weather's dark, rainy, miserable, welcome to the real world

Since the daylight savings change happened the day before yesterday, or was it yesterday, doesn't matter, things have been even more miserable than the usual.

First it's the fact that nobody told me on average Seattle would be way colder this time of the year than Boston so it's chilly and windy outside every day even though it doesn't snow much here. 

And it's raining every goddamn time. The suckiest part about the rain is you never know what kind of rain it is. If it's just light rain you think you won't need a jacket or umbrella but it's pouring as soon as you've made it four blocks out. And you can't even prepare for a heavy rain because then you look like a fool all dressed up for barely a minor shower. Always changing, confusing and misleading, it's a goddamn travesty. I was aware of the rain yea nothing new but the unpredictable nature of it was new and annoying for me.

Then there's the fact that the days are short, absurdly short, it's crazy. Met Bc for funsies at 4.30 in the evening yesterday and it was pitch dark outside you could hear the crickets and what not, it felt like 10.30 or close. So weird, not fun at all.

I want to say, least there's...something...and can't think of anything exciting or fun about the whole weather situation. Rain's not the only problem around here, I can see why people would be angry and depressed and gloomy and closed to the rest of the world. Hopefully all that dosage of VitD is going to make me happy and cheery and want to be friends with everybody.

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