Woke up late because I got up and turned my alarm off -- this hadn't happened to me in a long time.
Missed the bus this morning, almost missed the second bus to because Google misled us. Fortunately because Orange line is perennially fucked, we made it on time to the trains so the bus miss didn't hurt us. Fueled enough at work -- had a solid helping of oats and nuts, a heavy Mediterranean lunch, and extra food later because a lunch meeting had ordered tonne of extra food. Super hydrated too. Because of that I was the least grumpy at work that I've been in a long while.
Also bought tickets (flight, hotel booking, and the conference tickets), so helloo San Diego! I've been to San Diego only in the evening, and we just drove through the town then too. All the coworkers have been encouraging about our trip there, and have been giving various food and fun trips for while we're there. Should be a good time.
As work was ending, I realized I hadn't written much today, so I bashed out a couple of hundred words in the last fifteen minutes. I can't claim that it was high-quality writing, but things got written, and it was definitely salvageable. Additionally, none of this matters either way because some writing is better than no writing, and bad writing is better than never writing, so congratulations to me!
It rained the whole day, so I was really worried that I might have to get wet in the rain on my way home. Somehow though, the train cycles aligned really well so I didn't have to walk between the green and orange line stations as I had feared. The busride back took a little longer, but I ain't complaining, because the roads were slick and there have been days where those rides too twice as long. My busrides are actually pretty lovely lately.
I was planning to go to the writer's group today. I forgot to take my bag to work, so it would have been some work getting my work laptop back home, but fortunately (?!) the event got cancelled so I didn't miss out on anything. Except writing a tonne of words and feeling super duper accomplished, but that can wait, I imagine.
Back home, I did some reading. Read a couple of pages from King's On Writing, brought back good memories from back in the day. Made buckwheat pancakes and ate with home-grown mushrooms from couple of weeks ago. Talked to roommates, and P's friend I, who's been hanging out with us daily, joined in on the fun. Roommates watched the Black Mirror episode involving cockroaches but I found it too stressful so I stayed away from it.
Did my evening pushups. I'm up to 10 regular plus two super-wide. Could probably go upto five super-wide, but will wait until next week to up the rep. Attempted to do narrow pushups, had a really hard time doing even one, so we'll have to wait for that until I'm in better form with the other kinds of pushups. Ate a couple of grapes for my daily fruit intake. Went on the regular run. I've been running pretty regularly for the last several weeks, but haven't noticed a remarkable improvement in my form or stamina. This is quite a contrast to my pushups, where I can feel difference over a couple of days. I looked it up online and it says you will plateau with your gains until you're pushing your body hard. Or taking the same route every day. I imagine it's the 'same route' problem I'm facing (and also the 'not pushing your body hard' thing), but I really want to be not absolutely gasping for air after two pretty reasonable laps before I start doing something a little more intense. Perhaps I need to keep pushing into that and come check again in a few weeks from now.
Will write another short piece this evening, then a quick shower, then off to bed it is. Hopefully I get enough sleep tonight and get up on time tomorrow, instead of missing the alarm. It's gonna be a good night!
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