Elevator offices, unexpected bicommute, plus laundry [Monday 21]

Got up on time, did solid piece of writing, got ready set go all perfectly-on-time. Roommate Bl sent the message (he leaves a solid hour ahead of everyone) that the Orange Line was effed. Decided to take the bike to Davis and the train from there. When I got to Davis, I realized I'd forgotten to bring my bike lock in all the hurry. Instead of going home or giving my bike to the thieves for free, I rode the bike all the way to work, though that was not the original intention. The entire trip took 45 minutes abouts.

At work I tried taking the bike upstairs on the regular elevators but they told me it wouldn't get in, and showed me the freight elevator. Interesting fact about the freight elevator at the building I work in. It's quite large -- though that's not the interesting part -- so large in fact that it would make a fine office for somebody. And that's exactly what they did. There's an elderly Chinese man in the freight elevator, with his desk, logbook, room heater, and supplies, who sits on the chair and works when the elevator isn't being used. He took my use of the elevator to transport bike upstairs as a mild inconvenience, and went back to his desk job. I'm fairly certain this is a plot of some science fiction or dystopian novel, because the concept basically blew my mind. The.freight.elevator.is.somebody's.fulltime.office. Parked by bike a few desks away from mine where no one's sitting.

Work was quite unproductive today, despite the great breakfast they had today. They haven't had good breakfast in a long while. I had given up on getting something good to eat, but this morning they had breakfast empanadas -- veggie ones and egg ones with cheee -- and that was the best breakfast I've had there. Still, that did not make me feel productive. As I've said before, the more productive I feel at work-work, the more productive I feel with my writing stuff, and I was unproductive the whole day, I don't know what shaped what.

Skipped lunch in favor of eating nuts and fruits and granola  because the breakfast had been heavy. While I did listen to a lot of podcast today, did get distracted by news at work during lunch. However, I was not listening to tv show(s) and I wonder what would have happened if I had. Towards the end of the day, I got more productive, and forgot it was leaving time. Took the green like to park and then walked all the way to downtown crossing for the orange line back home. Realized at the last moment the issues from the morning may not have been resolved, and took the red line there instead. Walked home from Davis, listening to the gastropod podcast. It was pretty great I tellyouse.

At home, watched some tv, snacked on healthy snacks, did two rounds of groceries and folding, talked to family, watched some more tv, got more of yesterday's beans, and tried writing. Setting timer for writing exercises seems to be helping me. The previous post was timed (though I sort of forgot about it at the end) -- if I make it a habit for long enough, I might be able to force myself a lot faster. Did my evening workouts, had a fruit, and getting ready to go to bed. Since the biking was pretty intense, will not be running this evening.

Speaking of biking, I need to fix both the brakes, the rear break is too loose and the front break is so loud I can brake only when lives are at stake.

Read King's On Writing pages while I was writing this piece. Just checked off (and added and checked) daily items to my checklist. After this, will brush, drink a good drink of water, and it's bedtime. If I could only move this entire schedule by an hour early, I'd be golden. Ah well.

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