Getting better [Monday 1]

Ate an apple in the morning, and a big breakfast at work, which made me feel pretty good throughout the day. Of the food-sleep-workout trio, I'm doing well on the workout part, improving on the sleep part, and exploring the potential gains by improving on the food side.

The morning commute was nothing worth writing hope about, really, I don't even remember it that well. At work, I got the big breakfast sandwich (two eggs and cheese on a roll, with added onions and tomatoes, and two packets of texaspete hot sauce) that I always get, and which I should start lobbying to be named after me. It made my mood considerably less grumpy for the rest of the day.

Workwise, I was pretty productive and felt like doing more than I have been more recently, and that felt great. I also got a lot done today, so pretty excited about that too. Additionally, got a little bit of writing done for the Khyaak story, pretty excited about the direction it is going towards. You always plan and plot ahead and think the story's going to go one way, but the story has other more interesting plans and takes its own way, and you're excited by the possibilities and the potential of exploring an entirely new genre you'd never considered even writing. It could be like a pretty nitty-gritty thrilling murder-type of story, I know I'm no good at writing those, but who am I kidding, I'm not good at writing anything at all, including this journal, so it's as good as it gets. I should really find an easy way to consolidate work writing and home writing together.

At lunch we had this thing where you can learn stuff and get pizza -- the pizza was surprisingly great. What confuses me still is how I was still hungry and mildly hangry even after three large pizza slices and a solid breakfast -- I'm beginning to think my workout regimen has increased my caloric requirements, and my grumps recently is related to the caloric deficit. Regardless, good food, good food. Just to make sure I didn't starve, I ate a bunch of nuts and other snacks I have in my drawer (my coworkers have started making fun of me for how well-stocked my snack drawer is. I try to make it healthy, but I can't stop snacking what can I do).

Stayed at work for an extra fifteen minutes to complete the writing stuff I was looking at. On the way back home, the commute was annoyingly long, I ended up taking a weird route where I got off of a greenline stop, ran for a couple of stops, and went to a green+orange line stop, because that was faster than it would otherwise have been. And despite all of that, ended up waiting more than ten minutes for the bus, plus the bus was slightly later than it has been recently too.

On the way back, I thought about writing a Very Serious Article for the Papers titled (or beginning with the phrase) "To all fellow princes and princesses", about asking all the young Nepali persons like myself giving up their wealth and or other privileges in Nepal and either starting elsewhere, or taking it easy in Nepal. Particularly the ones who like to call themselves progressive etcetera because social currency is a pretty big effing and obvious form of privilege which a lot of people I know have amassing in increasing volume, without acknowledging or giving way to the systematic inequities that have put them such a spot. And then I forgot about it until now. Hopefully I remember it and write about it at some point. Which reminds me, I still need to write my diary of the U.S. trip from back in 2014. I should really get around to it soon or I'm gonna start forgetting haa.

Back home, I rested for a bit, and caught up with people from all over the world. I talked to my mom, ate grapes and yogurt for dinner -- again, maybe that's not the ideal diet for my workout regimen, I'll have to consider -- went on a run, and watched couple of episodes of The Office with rommates B and P. Roommate S just got back a couple of minutes ago, and I can hear him and P talking to their friends in Canada and Nepal.

I've youtubed too much today, and have been doing it too much in general recently for the past two weeks, instead of focusing on my projects or businesses. I need to cut that down or make it more organized. I also haven't really read any book or parts of it, even though that's part of my daily routine, so need to get that going.

For the rest of this evening, I'll probably read a page of some book, take a quick shower, and go to sleep as quick as I can, so I can get up early and have a reasonable and sane timetable. ToOdles.

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