Oh no, not a milestone post!

As a principle, I avoid writing milestone posts because they're too self-referential. They set expectations too much, and I have trouble meeting them. And they're just a use of more words and more posts, so where does it end people, would you have a milestone post on the number of milestone posts you've written, ad infinitum? My hate for them is inspired by Prawin dai who is a real writer writing real things.

But here's the truth. I'm running out of things to write today. It's not that I'm out of ideas, no, I'm full of a crapload of ideas (here's an idea: I've been saying Dare to Fail! How about not just that, but Dare to Fail! And Fail with a Vengeance! Don't go easy into that goodnight, rage, rage against the dying of the light! Thanks Bob Dylan!) It's just that...if I'm writing for the past two days, and today, there's a lot of content overload, and I don't want to overload my daily readers with too many inspired ideas and make them feel bad about themselves, you know. Inspiring people is one thing. Scaring them into not doing anything something entirely different. Not into that, please.

So here's a filler post with absolutely no content, because once I'm done with it, I'll only have to write four posts for yesterday and the day before, and then maybe today's journal, and I can get caught up on my regular posting schedule by posting one extra tomorrow. In any case, the title of this post involves a 'milestone' so I should get around to talking about it.

If you've been reading my ramblings this far into a filler post, you deserve to know what this year/month/week etcetera have been special! Look at the number of blog posts I've made! This will be the 191st post of this year -- the second-best year for postcount was way back in 2010, and at this rate I might be able to easily double that this year. That's a really exciting proposition for me because I haven't done so much writing in a long time. Since I was born actually.

It's not like my posts have been the best reads or anything, but they exist, and they make me disciplined, make me easy to come up with ideas on the go without fearing what the lesser-practiced (uh oh I shouldn't be bragging or making fun of folks, but I'll take this teeny tiiny opportunity and never again) call the writer's block. I mean sure, all my ideas suck and by writing is no better than an eighth grader -- I as an eighth grader probably wrote better than I do know -- I understand all of that. It's that even for something badly-written, it used to be tough coming up with idea on the spot. I may not write well now and spelling and grammar surely seem like foreign concepts to me, but at least I write. As long as I'm writing, I'm giving myself a chance to improve myself. Feels good man.

I've mentioned this a few more times already, but it's that important to me. As long as I write, I feel good. That I have readers or not is besides the point right now. If you're reading this, fine, thank you for reading home you had a good time. If not, so what, I'm pushing this crap out of my intellectual sphincter and dear god does this intellectual exercise feel good.

It's important to remember to not push yourself or you might...uh burn out, I guess, don't want to take the shitting metaphor too far here. If I take the posts easily, without too many 'insightful' comments and without the fear of being judged or marked for the quality of my writings or reasoning, I can go further. That's what's happening. I post bad posts one after another, because I'm afraid of no one and nothing (in writing), and all I care about is letting those fingerbabies dance. What a turn of phrase, ugh.

I disgust myself sometimes. In a good way though. Probably.

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