Strange commute home, talkies at wegmans [Tuesday 29]

Just finished reading several pages of On Writing and washing up. King says when you're writing a novel, you must write it with a passion and keep at it every day, until you're done writing it. Don't let the story go stale for you, you must be almost living it as you write, he says. That seems reasonable enough exercise I am not able to follow right now, because I just need to get in the writing habit first. Perhaps once I'm done figuring the basic 'write something, anything really, every day, until no more words come out of you' phase, I should look into that. It would be nice though, to start something and conclude it, with a nice head body and tail. Something I'd be proud of as a complete work, and not as a part of a part of something in progress, potentially, or something that might go somewhere hopefully? Here's the truth though: writing practice may be good, but often no matter how much you shit out, there's no way you can carve that pile to shine like a diamond, yannowhatimsayin'?

King also says he's not a very voracious reader and still gets about 80 novels a year read, because he enjoys reading fiction, not for the sake of reading. Oops. I should read more. Again, perhaps once my couple-of-paragraphs-maybe-a-page-a-days are over and I make a habit out of it.

I spent a really long and hard time coming up with the previous post. I must have been tired from my grocery trip to wegmans (walked all the way there, talked to friend NG while I shopped, talked to TD in Amsterdam on my way back) because I felt really sleepy this evening. I got some grits (among other things) and had it with my regular kimchi, butter, etc this evening. I could have done better honestly, it didn't taste great. Not sure if I'm growing out of my basic grubs phase, or if I did it wrong today, but there was just something...not right about that.

The 45 minutes between getting back home and heading for Wegmans I did some youtubing. After getting back from wegmans I joined roommate BB watching Inbetweeners. Roommate PK came in late after spending time in the North End, and roommate SM came earlier but they didn't get to see each other because they were in each other's rooms already. Also got to meet friend of the house ND a bit earlier this evening.

The commute back home was a really interesting one. I took the green line to park and then ran to dtx as I've been doing more recently. Then the Orange line to Sullivan, nothing strange yet. I tried making a run for the bus 101, but those bastards release those buses before they're due so I missed it by maybe 30 seconds. I did however get a bus 89, so I got on it. At winter hill, the 101 before our bus was stopped, so I got off the bus, and ran up to it. I missed it by a matter of 7 seconds -- if the driver had been more considerate he'd have stopped it -- and walked toward home. Only after walking for 8 minutes did I realize the way home was not as short as I believed, waited a few short minutes for the following 101 bus which took me two stops over, and then home. If I'd only run like five seconds faster, I'd have made it home 12 minutes earlier. What a loss, but also what an interesting hack right.

Work was really busy today, got pulled into a lot of different projects and issues. We had a big and important meeting over lunch, the lunch and learn was interesting, and the pizza was great. The meeting after was a bit of a bummer, but it made me realize that my way was always right, and hope people see that better too. Morning was happy and chipper, got rid of the creepy hand from my desk to the original owner's, didn't eat an apple, but whatever, I ended up eating grapes in the evening after Wegman's.

Morning commute involved waiting a long time for the Orange line train, and the 101 bus could have been faster than it was, but it wasn't a particularly unpleasant one. I was running late anyway because I'd lazed around on writing, the writing got rushed too. I keep snoozing till the latest time possible, because I've started thinking I'm not getting enough sleep. If I just grow up, realize that the last 20 minutes of snoozing aren't going to improve my sleep cycle, but will probably significantly improve my daily experience, my days would probably be a lot better and more productive.

Hope to finish the blogger CLI soon so I can start blogging on the go!

Need to get back to my fermentation research too, soon. Will be cooking and or baking tomorrow, so interesting times.

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