
Exploring options for doing a CS-PoliSci joint PhD on the effects of AI/ML/friction-less communication/international grey economy on the distribution of power. How does this effect large countries versus small, give leverage to small countries, and act as a multiplier for cultural/linguistic hegemony. How can it be used by rebels and dissidents without being used for strictly illegal purposes. The question of jurisdiction, and how less-powerful nation-states can enforce their legal systems upon global platforms. How global platforms can be mused/misused, particularly in times of great political change and violence. If such platforms can/have been used to reduce rampant violence/genocide, or whether they add fuel to the fire, so to speak. All this in addition to the general issue of unfairness and racism and opaqueness of computational methods of governance. Identify if online platforms have a way away from literal trash fire they are now.

Apparently PoliSci PhD is all analytics and R now, mostly stats. At which point, what even is going to be my contribution if I can't bring anything new to the table. Stressful times.

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