Good work, low-key-halloween [Thursday 31]

As I complete writing this slightly past midnight, there's strong winds and heavy rains outside. It's the night of Halloween, and I did not do anything special. And neither did my roommates. And I'm completely fine with this.

Just before I began writing this, I finished my regular pushups, and did a single one-handed pushup each for each side. I'm at 40 pushups a day now, up to 50 by next week, and on the path to 100. By the time I make it to 100, I'm hoping to do 10 one-handed pushups total.

Before the pushups, I was writing the post that's published immediately after this but was actually written just before. Wrote a little about Bojack before that, and watched perhaps five episodes of Bojack before that, as I ate my dinner of rice-dal-beans with added furikake. Roommate BB went to bed early, roommate SM is not bad from the library yet, and roommate PK got back from his friend's place 10 minutes ago so it was all me with the control of the TV.

Tried napping a little after getting home, unsuccessfully, spent some time catching up with international friends, watched a lot of Youtube, and watched Grant Tour with roommate BB. Didn't feel like cooking or making anything for dinner so just ate the leftovers roommates are having a hard time getting rid of because they just keep on piling up.

Commute from work was as crap as it's been recently, a 50/55 min trip that involved 3 trains and a bus (green to Park, green to North, Orange to Sullivan, 101 to home). Again, thank god for podcasts. Wrote some cool stuff in the train, but got deleted because of this stupid app, a little miffed about that. Work was quite productive and happy, and I was satisfied. There was a moment i thought I'd lost my earbuds they were stuck on the chairlegs and the relief when I discovered that was 'palpable'.

They did a Halloween party over lunch/an hour after lunch where they organized costume contest and baking contest. My coworker's wife's Korean Pancakes won the baking contest, and our remote coworker who used a fancy animation for his skype video chat won the costume contest. I put on a yellow T-shirt and pretended to be an M&M, Arthur the Aardvark, the rational consumer, etc to different people at different times. My coworkers took it rather seriously -- there were two soccer players, two marvel superheroes, a pumpkin, a harry potter, and several minor employees of other companies, including one from our direct competitor. I got lunch from Subway -- their veggie patty; it's better than I imagined I and was surprisingly satisfying.

The morning commute was rather frustrating -- I had to walk to Davis (through bus 89) after 10 minutes of waiting for the 101 because 101 is so unpredictable. The red line train was pretty tight too. Got to work on time still and it wasn't too stressful in the morning.

Left home late in the morning because I had to wait for the restroom for a while, and couldn't write in the meanwhile. That's the reason why my morning writings have not been up to the par recently. If I could get up earlier, and spend solid 30/40 minutes writing two different pieces, I could easily get 4, maybe five pieces of writing a day without feeling overwhelmed or feeling like this is taking over my life. Sometimes it can feel like that.

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