Comebacks, mice, disappointing dinners [Monday 14]

Even though I got up later than I usually do on workdays today, the commute was the quickest one ever. After a hurried shower and getting ready, I dashed for the bus, and almost missed it by twenty seconds. I made the bus, and really made it. The trip to Sullivan that has taken us upto twenty-eight minutes took eleven minutes. Waited for two minutes for the Orange line, and almost no time for the green line. All in all, I reached to work door-to-door in twenty-nine minutes, a solid seven minutes before Google's prediction. Thanks to Columbus day (or indigenous people's day if you will) there was a statewide holiday and most offices were closed. Such a pleasant commute, ahh! It would be a whole different life if every day was like today.

At work I got the solid sandwich that should have my name on it. Was in pretty good mood throughout the day in a long time. Quite productive with writing stuff and work stuff too. I feel ready and back! It may have helped that I was listening to podcasts and shows on my earbuds and that kept me distracted from feeling grumpy. Quite proud of the fact that I didn't waste any time on social media or news sites too. Had oats for lunch and it was pretty filling.

Left work fifteen minutes later than usual because a lot was happening. The green line was running reduced service so took the train to park street and just took the redline instead. At Davis walked around the B-Fresh to check if there were any good moong beans for sprouting there (no), and then to McKinnon's to see if there were any vegetarian items (no). Took the bus back home and wrote the couple of pieces I posted earlier today. Had the mouse incident, and talked to the roommates. Watched workaholics.

Made grocery-list in the evening and was planning to go to Wegman's in my bike, but got too lazy and got savory oats instead. Perhaps it was just too much oats, or the fact that I already had oates in the morning too, but it was pretty disappointing and I couldn't finish all of it. I didn't end up going for a run because I spent a long time daddling about avoiding finishing the dinner.

Roommate PJ's friend I came over again, and watched workaholics tv show and then Derry girls with him. I wanted to go on a run and then shower, but I was too full and besides I'd just showered in the morning. Read a couple of pages of King's On Writing, did the pushups, made plans to buy fruits (I should be eating more fruits, really), and here I am writing. Will hopefully get some fiction writing done -- haven't had good fiction come out of me in a while -- and then go to bed, hopefully sound asleep in half hour.

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