Dashain Tika [Tuesday 8]

The dashain day!

I took off from work to celebrate. Got up early due to parents call from Nepal wishing happy dashain and asking what was happening. Since I'd just woken up I didn't have much to share, and I said that. I got up, cleaned up and changed to new clothes (! Dashain spirit!) early because everyone's always calling me out for being late on such occasions. On this occasion however I was the earliest, because when they said the time for tika was 10.30 I bought it and got ready by 10.25. However we were not to be ready as a group for another hour and a half.

After several trips to the stores and ATMs from brothers in laws, of which I joined in one trip to CVS, we had the tika, which took is maybe half an hour. The photo sessions during and after took another hour and a half. Photos were shared on Viber, embarrassing videos uploaded. Ate a painful amount of selroti (so much ghiu and sugar, my stomach still hurts the next day haha) and mulaa ko achaar. As the rest of the family played various card games, I got caught up on the news and played 2048. I don't have anything against card games, I'm just really bad at them, don't understand them even when people explain them really well, don't want to lose monies like an idiot. Played with my niece and taught her to play catch (or actually, the act of catching) and other fun things. It's really so much fun to introduce young kids to the world, considering they know so little and count on you for so much. She has already started lying, so people think she's starting to get really smart.

In the evening bid farewell to my cousin and her family including the little three year old niece, who were to leave for California in the wee hours of the morning. Had a relatively peaceful sleep and didn't even hear them leave at 3am.

Interesting fact: there's such a thing such as a Coronita which is a tiny Corona beer and people drink those. They're almost half the volume of regular sized American beers. On one hand, they're so wasteful on the packaging, but on the other, it does decrease the alcohol consumption. An interesting catch-22 there. My family made a lot of fun of those beers. I didn't have any, not even a sip.

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