The House of Mouse [Tuesday 15]

Morning was good, got up on time, waited for a really long time for the loo [it's not four roommates folks, it's three free friends!]. We made the bus on time, which was quite fast, to catch the early train that I had caught yesterday. We had to miss it today because everyone was working and it was packed to the tin. After I caught the green line I realized I'd ignored one variable that influences my commute length: how packed green line is. The trip that had taken me 11 minutes yesterday took me twice as long today because there were so many people trying to get in and out and they wouldn't let the doors close.

At work I drank a lot of water and listened to The Office throughout the day. It really helps me relax and do my work well. Realized early on that I had a lunch presentation that I'd completely blanked out on because I thought it was tomorrow, spent the first half of the day preparing for it. The presentation itself was alright, there wasn't as much excitement about it as I'd hoped but at least it's out of the way now I can prepare and give more technical talks.

The lunch was cheese pizza which excited me unreasonably because if I haven't mentioned it already a hundred times I'm also somewhat lactose intolerant. It gave me mild stomachache but nothing bad really happened, this all leads me to believe that the various troubles I had around early September which I also recorded here had to do with things unrelated to lactose intolerance. Regardless, had a solid cheesy lunch. Work was quite productive for the rest of the day. Left slightly later than usual because I had to finish something before leaving.

Took one of the weirdest routes I have taken back home. Took the green line to Park Street, got off, walked a couple of minutes to Downtown Crossing, and took the Orange line to Sullivan. Made it to the Orange Line train by a matter of moments. At Sullivan, the train was waiting right there, as if for me. The entire trip was quite pleasant, shorter by ten minutes than what Google has predicted, which for some reason always gets me really on.

Watched a couple of youtube videos and biked to Aldi. Got a tonne of cheeses and green veggies because I need to bulk up on proteins. Back home, I ate a black-bean salad with black beans, soy sauce, yogurt, green chillies, tomatoes, feta cheese, red onions and timuur ko chhop. It was pretty good, but the real reason I'd put in so much yogurt in it was because my yogurt expired couple of days ago unopened and I needed to finish it quick. I didn't make a big enough dent, but I'll take it to lunch tomorrow, and then keep eating for the next couple of days until I'm done with it. It took me some time to finish it even though it tasted pretty good because so.much.protein.

My roommates watched the new breaking bad movie which I didn't want to watch because I only watch comedies, so I got into my room and started reading and writing. Roommate Pr's friend I also showed up and there was commotion in the living room for a couple of minutes. The mouse made a few appearances today and roommate Pr was so scared of it he stood up on the dining chairs. Unfortunately for him, as we tried chasing the mouse away it raced into his room and in his closet and that's where we saw it last. Roommate Pr thinks we should either get a cat or a cat trap to get rid of the mouse but the rest of us don't seem to be as concerned. I'm really curious to see how this plays out.

Wrote a bunch of long posts, read a little of King's On Writing, did workouts and tried finding reasons to not go on a run this evening. One of the main reasons is that it's pretty late (because I've been writing so much as of late due to catchup reasons) and that I can postpone it to tomorrow. One argument against that is that I've never actually followed up on that. I will likely not shower or run this evening, postponing both the tasks for tomorrow morning. Now I need to wash up, eat my fruit-of-the-day, and call it a night.

By the way, more baking adventures await since it's getting colder and I need to find things to do. This will probably be one of the last manically-posting days. I'll be posting at a pace of two or three posts a day from tomorrow or the day after because if I want to sustain this pace at my current practice level I'll need to give up on running and other hobbies that actually give me life and it's not entirely possible at the moment. When I'm more experienced with writing I'll write faster producing more posts in the same time and things will be great. Goodnight!

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