Bank scares, quick meals, rucksacked and running to the airport, helloo Seattle and the PNW [Tue 13]

 Friend N was kind enough to help me out with the bank situation where a miscalculation on my part put me in a very red position. He lent me some money, a lot actually, even after which I was barely in the green. Eff these stupid bank transfers that take weeks and months, and you lose track of the real numbers. So glad that got fixed.

I don't remember what food I had at home because no photos, but clearly it couldn't have been anything exciting or interesting. I did do several rounds of laundry, and a few pieces of clothing were wet, so I have clothes hanging all over my room now, two weeks on. In a week when I go back home, there's a lot of folding to be done.

A bit in the afternoon, I called it an early day, and took the bus 101 to the Orange line. There was maintenance stuff happening and for a moment I freaked I was going to miss my flight despite having left two hours in advance. However that was not the case, and things worked out pretty alright, got to the Blue line stop in the Orange line, took the Blue train to Airport stop -- something I'm going to write in the near future -- and then the shuttle to the airport. Security was super duper easy peasy, way way quicker than I had hoped or anticipated, and ended up waiting for a while for the flight against all projections. The flight was delayed by about 20 minutes, but in the end it worked out fine.

I was in a row with two women, and it wasn't too bad because they were friends and found themselves a full row elsewhere. So the three-seater was for me, I checked myself into the window seat. And then a random woman chilled into the aisle seat and totally occupied the middle seat with her crap, what a bummer. Tried writing in the plane, and did do a few things, but it's been erased from this computer, so well that's that.

Got a nice drink and snacks in the plane, great stuff.

Saw the beauty and majesty of the west coast, the mountains and all around Idaho, Montana and Washington. Mt. Rainier is always so daunting, oof this is great stuff. And thus began my infatuation, question mark, with the PNW.

At the airport got out pretty quick and easy, took the train to AS's place. A bit worried that I'd gotten in the wrong direction, but that was figured out early on. Walked for fifteen minutes at night from the train stop to his apartment, got to smell and see the sights of the city. Took photos of amazing street art, a sign of things to come.

At AS's abode, we had rice, cauli, roti and all of that. He got me caught up about the dealio in the region. We maybe smoked a bit of the g, possibly not, but talked a lot. Slept way too late for my eastern time mind, but not too late PDT-wise.

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