Early to be up, fun and unproductive work day, surprise birthday party, cool Nepali restaurant, a night fun and long [Fri 9]

 Got up at 7.30, cleaned and everything quite early on. And stayed up awake, didn't go back to sleep or anything, so that was good.

Workday was extremely unproductive, there's one stupid ticket that I've been trying to work on for two weeks which I haven't made much progress on and it's frustrating me to no end, it's really annoying. It's not even too hard, it's just annoying and crazy and depending on how my machine is set up could me only my issue. Anyway, I'll get it done tomorrow after talking to my coworker I guess. In the afternoon we did one of those 'whisper' games where one person draws and other person describes and the other person draws the description and so on, until you see the entire album in the end. It was so cute and realized coworker TP is really good and doing illustrations.

It was a sunny day so I took a rest on the sunny side of my room. I've noticed my room is actually not too warm or sunny generally, it's on the wrong side of the building, far too late. It's alright, whatever, but I should be looking for new place anyway.

Lunch was yogurt and fruits, as has been the case recently.

In the afternoon, took a quick shower, and shave, and got on the 101 to Malden Center. Got on another bus for five minutes to reach NR's place. Such a cute adorable place, and she's decorated it quite well. Gave lots of compliments. Talked of the mystery horror story that might have happened to the random indian store guy who suddenly disappeared. PK and ND came a bit later, and we surprised ND with her birthday celebration.

Talked for a bunch of hours, js, srp, and sv were there as well. We went to the Nepali restaurant Zuzu for dinner, what a cute little place, great illustrations and only ten minutes of walking distance from NR's place. Had a tonne of veggie momos there...great veggie momo by the way, one of the best I've had outside homemade.

Got back home, talked a bunch, srp left at 11.30. We talked until 2, and then ubered back home, the four of us inside a car, the driver kind enough to accommodate all of us.

Changed and went to sleep, without too much thinking or confusion. Good night. Great hanging out with NR. I have NR my knife, the one from Bon Appetit, and gave ND  the jute bag I hadn't ever used.

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