Bidenbucks will make us all rich

 It's tough to find uber and lyft these days, apparently restaurants and hotels are having trouble hiring staff. That's because they all either pay below minimum wage or barely enough to make a living and people don't want to go back to shitty jobs like those since the bidenbucks of stimulus due to covid have been sufficient enough to give people sanity and comfort.

Which means either the prices will rise so people are fairly rewarded for their labor, or those companies will go out of job, if they can't pay their employees....oops I mean 1099 contractors in the eyes of US regulators....enough.

Spending in education, childcare, healthcare, elderlycare, infrastructure, and civic institutions is good. This is the sort of stuff that makes folks proud of their institutions, make them want to back them, realize that even if they fall through the cracks, there's something to hold them from falling into the depths of living hell.

As employers realize money by itself is not going to attract employees and the labor market gets tighter on a hot economy they'll start providing side benefits. Maternity benefits, yessir. Pensions? Why not. Training programs, of course? Labor contracts, most definitely. Longer more reasonable vacations better aligned with the rest of the fucking world? You bet your ass.

American corporations have not been seeing real competition with regards to labor hiring in recent years, as lack of any government oversight has meant they can mistreat their workers as poorly as they can get away with. With a tighter labor market and a hot economy, the equation changes and labor can demand more, and get more. It doesn't mean the economy will suddenly be automated, because those things take decades not weeks, and also they don't make sense until you achieve a certain scale. Additionally, most of the things people think will be automated will most certainly won't be. McDonalds could be vending machines that just heat food, right now as they are. We've got the technology. The reason they're not isn't because companies can't, but because it makes no real sense to. Japan is a company full of vending machines, and yet it's also known for it's great food and very passionate cuisine. That's because all the lameos, the sort of people who'd unnecessarily be afraid of automation, are eating in those vending machines and the rest are enjoying their fancy food in family-run personal spaces.

Bidenbucks will make the whole world rich, i'm tellin' ya, take my words to the bank.

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