The really fun day, like the one in Singapore [Sat 24]

 Talked to parents on the phone in the morning, found out somebody really close might be getting married soon. Lots of confusion. Spent an hour cleaning the apartment from last night's funhaving, and doing the dishes. Put my clothes into the drier to get them clear of creases, and took a nice long shower.

At 11 (PDT), I made a minor mistake and headed out to the bus station. I meant to be heading out at 12, but I misread the text thread that was going on with P.K. so that happened. It was raining outside and I was unprepared, but it didn't matter. The bus crossed lake washington, I was amazed at how low the bridges were and wondered how they dealt with flooding etc. Got off at my stop, but I still had more than an hour to go, and it was raining a bit, so I decided to walk around the town and explore the city of Redmond and its parks. That's when I noticed it's all suburbs and lame houses, and not even many stores. It's a wasteland, comparatively speaking, and I wished there were better things going on. After walking around for like an hour. communicated with P.K, and she came to pick me up, but we couldn't park there, so I walked for another 15 minutes before we finally met up. Hugged and yadda yadda yadda, figured out on the place we wanted to go, and drove up to Kirkland to the place we'd planned on going to. Unfortunately it was closed, so we went to the Irish place next door to it.

Couple of drinks of guinness and many rounds of appetizers later, we bailed out of there, went to a green store and got a pre-rolled joint. Unfortunately they didn't sell any lighters, so we had to go to a gas station but not before ending up at a hobby store. We ended up at a park smoking and giggling. Headed to a previously planned bar. Got a few more drinks.

Drunk and high, we let our inhibitions lose and really talked a lot, perhaps more than one should have. There was some concerning news happening out in the world, but we just wanted to distract ourselves, so we caught up since our last meet, what we were upto and where we wanted to be. It was all in good fun and I really wanted to hang for longer if not the tiredness of having been out the entire day. P.K. dropped me nearby the bus stop, I peed at a microsoft building, annoyed a random lady at the stop with questions, called or tried calling half my contact list, and took the Bus to Seattle. Walked home, got A to open the door despite having the keys. Talked to him nonstop without waiting to breathe for two hours and went to sleep.

Good times.

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