Love poems, early morning vaccine surprise, lazy workday, dahi chiura brunch, got the shots, tired, to the pharmacy, nap, writing, easy dinner, up too late [Mon 26]

 Had trouble sleeping well in the morning because we'd napped a lot the day before. So got up way too early, didn't have anything good to do, wrote a few poems, posted here and sent them to people. Also wrote here. Freaking' finally, just as my Seattle trip is about to wrap up I've got a good workspace situation going on alas. So much disruptions.

First thing in the morning when I sign into to work and get my CVS vaccine scraper going, it informs me that there's spots opened up in the CVS nearby! I quickly register, at a place only 30 mins away, and tell A too. He gets up at an hour unreasonably early for him, registers himself and his two brothers. He is very impressed by the fact that automatic programming stuff can make life easier, and has apparently told about how amazing computers are to anybody who will listen. It's only funny when you know that he works in an extremely technical field that has more to do with computers and technology than anything I'll ever do.

At work I was stuck by this one seemingly simple problem that I used all the tricks of the trade I knew to solve but it just wouldn't budge. Realized later, after being told by a coworker, that it was a stupid issue of one of the libraries we use, and had nothing to do with me.

For lunch I had dahi chiura kera, because I was tired of roti and andaa. Classic Nepali food.

Before heading for the shots, I took a nice long shower, called up a few folks. Walked to the bus stop, waited an agonizingly long time for it, as the power-washers cleaned the streets, spreading little particles of germ and grime all over in the mist. Took the 25-min ride, 5 min walk. Easy setup at cvs, and took the same bus back.

Back home, wrote a bit, talked to A a bunch. Went to pharmacy to get the meds in case I had side-effects, which I haven't yet besides the sore arm ten hours on. Napped for a couple of hours. Started writing seriously here. A did his work stuff, and then cooked dal and bokchoy. Before that I ate chiura and bhujiya. He also made chicken, but he's not going to eat it apparently.

And now I'm finally caught up with the journals, I'm still behind regular posts by 40 count, which is also the number of days left in this month, so if I did 14 each for the rest of the week, it'd work out fine, but I don't want to create such heavy pressure on myself. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a day even more productive than today in terms of writing and we'll be set soon enough. I already know what's causing this lack of productivity, so it is not going to be a problem in the future.

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