Pizza breakfast, two buses to town, MoPop, Interesting Vietnamese Dinner, Bus home, cider, walk in the park at night [Mon 19]

This was going to be the last full day and night with I!

In the morning I had pizza and fruits for breakfast, I had oats and fruits. I wanted to take it easy because we had been having several intense consecutive days, and it didn't feel like I couldn't hold on for much longer. So we left home pretty late.

Instead of going to the sketchy place, we caught a bus nearby to us, which took us across the large Johnson park, and Dr. Jose Rizal park who apparently is a great Filipino hero, to Downtown area. There the bus made us wait like half an hour until the driver changed. We changed to a second bus that took us quite close to MoPop which of course stands for Museum of Pop.

MoPop was cool, if they had rotating exhibits and I lived in Seattle, I'd most definitely get a membership there. It was there that I discovered that this city is quite big in the music industry, particularly with the grunge scene of the 90's. Nirvana, Janis Joplin, Pearl Jam, Kurt Kobain, Foo Fighters, Jimi Hendrix, and more! It's wild. I had a new respect and admiration for the place. The exhibits for fantasy worlds, science fiction, and horror were all fantastic too. If they have rotating shows, I'd definitely go there several times a year. If you're in Seattle you definitely must go to the MoPOP.

After the Museum we took a bus to Chinatown to get lunch. Unfortunately the restaurant we were heading at was not open, and neither were like the next ten of our options, all open only to takeout. Fortunately we found this place called Loving Hut, amazing food and drinks, and I discovered the concept of cybersectarianism. It is a part of chain of tv channels, radio stations and general mass media, including 300 restaurants across the world, that is kinda' cultish but otherwise fine, whatever, and headed by a Vietnamese woman who's a billionaire and resides in Taiwan. Here again we filled ourselves quick on the appetizers and drinks, and had to pack most of the entree to take out. Deep fried mushrooms to die for, I'm telling you.

We took a bus to the stop near us, and walked the rest of the way, it was an extremely pleasant walk in the golden hour, so took a bunch of photos. Bought some local cider at Safeway, and had that with the leftovers of the night, and the leftovers generally, still had a lot of the pizza around. Got very drunk, so very sleepy, sad that it was our last night.

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