MBTA Airport stop is the biggest lie perpetrated by the government

This is bigger than 9/11, it's bigger than the lies behind the Iraq war, the russian interference in US elections, bigger than Watergate. This is the biggest lie any government has ever perpetrated to its people and it's ridiculous we just shut up and take it. We haven't complained about it, there have  been no demonstrations, nobody has even thought of opening up an online petition. This is crazy. Wake up sheeple! This is the time for us to strike back, have our say finally.

This is the crux of the matter. The MBTA Airport stop is nowhere near the airport. It needs shuttles that take 25 minutes to actually to get to the airport. You'd think maybe you could walk up to the stop if it says 'airport' but that's not true at all. In fact, the stop is not even in the same 'island' as the Logan airport. The Blue Line "Airport" stop is a lie perpetrated by the government to fool us simple people into believing the government has provided us with decent stop near the stop whereas in reality they just rebranded a random stop in the T system to be called Airport. When will we wake up, when will we fight against the disinformation? This is against good sense, civic decency. When will politicians stop stooping so low!

Ridiculous! We must do something about it! We need to either get a stop at the airport for real, or get the stop renamed, and tell people separately it's got connections to the airport. Because the red line South Station has connections to the airport as well, and nobody calls it "Airport", do they?

Wake up sheeple!

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