Inspirational words to oneself to write harder

I don't want to write, I can't make myself write, my head hurts and this is a fit I'm throwing rejecting the need to write. It's been easy to forget that writing is what gave me identity for the last two years, it's become such a deeply entrenched part of my life in the last 20 months it's become easy to take it for granted. 

This is just a fit and a fit I'm not going to let go easily. It's not about writing good stuff that much should be obvious to anybody who's ever read anything I've written, this is about me and the need to absolutely keep moving, learning jumping the hoops and putting myself under some pressure. I need structure, I need motivation and I need something to look forward to. The writing has been my respite, my direction and the journey itself.

But it's easy to forget. When the brain gets foggy, with happiness or laziness or anxiety or social excitements, the complex construction you've done inside your mind collapses, you start from scratch. Were were those room again, where did I put the construction element. What were the stairs meant to look like, and why did I not go with those round transparent elevators. It comes back, slowly eventually and sometimes in bursts.

The bursts are fine, the construction work keeps going, but what you need back is the drive, the indomitable spirit to keep on going and going and going like, and I've said this on multiple occasions this week, the energizer bunny. This is not about giving up, the entire point is to tenacity, it's not tenacity to just give up when one gets tired or busy or excited or sad or what not. Nuh oh, this is where one must go for refuge. To write, to put the emotions and opinions into the metaphorical ink, and just open oneself out to one's readers, to the world. It is not. an. option.

What to do then though if the body physically rejects an attempt to fight against the stasis. Stasis is what everybody wants. Change is disruptive, change is scary, change is potential for loss and disruption. Change breeds a change in the dynamics. You could end up worse that you started, the new world could be beyond your understanding. Are you faculties up to the mark to make sense of what needs to be done, for you to be able to figure out your place in new circumstances? You don't know and you don't want it to be tested.

In such a case, don't give your body an option, no opportunities to dilly-dailly. You must write, get down there put that pen or finger or instrument in your hands, and yabbadabbadooo. Letter after letter, words join to form coherent sentences. Nonsensical at first, it's unclear where you're going at first but they join to give meaning, sense, and even emotions eventually. And before you realize, you're on your way into arguments and passionate writing. That's how you win.

So let's get out of our lazy beds and chairs, do a few laps of the block and start writing. Writing is life, writing is the oxygen that keeps the creative self alive. It's nothing to be feared of, not a thing to be reconsidering. Nah uh uh, this is the creative life, and the game shall go on.

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