Seattle is a mediocre city with a heart

This is weird because it feels like I've definitely written about it, but at this point I'm really running out of ideas people, twenty posts to go and the day's ending, the month's ending, there's no reason to freak out but we need to get those damn words out, which is why I'll be repeating this. If I've talked about it, suckiit, I don't care, you'll have read all about it again.

So yeah Seattle. They've got great musicians yeah, and there are big massive global companies that have outsized influence in the US market. The scenery's nice and everything too.

And there's this talk of the west coast 'chill' vibe that doesn't exist in the East. Whatever.

But still, it seems like in general, there's a dawdling, lazy vibe about the place, as if they don't really care about doing things perfectly, but good enough is fine. We've discussed this in terms of food, and public transport up to this point, and I want to generalize this to everything else. Like people seem to be satisfied with a lower threshold, and are okay with not being the absolute best, excelling in anything. Ehh, they seem to tell themselves, I've tried my best, I'm doing alright, there's mountains to explore the sun's out this evening so maybe I'll go on a walk or a run or something, and the sea looks beautiful wondering if the friend's kayak is available, it's a good time of the year to float around the lake.

And mediocrity can go both ways. You can be mediocre with apathy, and you can be mediocre with a 'heart', and Seattle appears to be the latter. Their 'chillness' doesn't stop them from trying new things, or exploring new opportunities, they're not so mediocre they'll stop looking for other jobs or doing interesting things. They feel emotions, and are motivated toward success, but their threshold for success is quite low.

That is all.

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