How little piggywiggy got started

 lots of freewriting ahead don't judge.

Little piggy wiggy didn't come back that day, the village was worried but not overly concerned. They'd left in a group, and little pw had been known to stray by the wayside with her friends. Three days later when her friends came back but she didn't, there was murmurs of concern and confusion. No worries, her friends explained the villagefolk, lpw had decided to go with a group of traveling circus performers. To towns far and strange, explore a life of entertainment and discovery. She would live for herself for the first time in her life, they said.

Two weeks on, lpw was not sure. The work was just the same, regardless of where they were. There was little time to explore the surroundings. Village or city, mountain or plains, river or valleys, their timetable was unforgiving, the practice demanding. In the little time there was to rest lpw couldn't afford to explore her surroundings.

Two weeks into joining the circus, lpw snuck out of her newfound job just as she had joined in: by telling the nearest and the dearest, and getting them to swear they'd reveal the information only after she had had enough time to escape to a safe area. By the time the circus's mustachioed goon owner found that the talented new performer had abandoned the group, lpw had been long gone, and was living among a group of new-age hippies in a commune dedicated to peace and inner self-discovery.

Lpw had a blast there, she thought those people really understood her dreams and aspirations. She found herself content with the idea of spending the rest of the life inside the commune. However as the weeks turned into months, and the months into years, she realized that the egalitarian principles under which the group was founded were not reflected in real life. Why did, she began asking, the male members of the commune always come out ahead, somehow with the chores and other tasks, despite everything being equally divided. How did the females end up doing all the hard work even though there was no reason it should be the case. She began to notice that the system was deeply flawed and hypocritical and it was taking the misplaced trust of its tired members and taking advantage of them.

This is what led to the breakup of the commune and the creation of a sister fraternal order, which was seeded by pretty much all the female members of the original commune. The first group eventually became what would later be called a sausage fest.

LPW led the spiritual group of her founding for the next decade, teaching her disciples that principles without actions were empty words not worthy of being trusted. She taught how the principles of egalitarianism could be  practiced, how one could learn to be at peace with fellow beings without compromising too much on one's individual liberty.

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