Running with a heavy rucksack on is the story of my life

 I thought of writing this on the day I left for Seattle. A heavy backpack on my back, a rush to make it to the airport, and a sprint toward the bus or train or whatever medium of public transport I'm hoping to get into. And it has to be public transportation. That is the story of my life.

It's not like I plan poorly, necessarily. Often I leave hours and hours early, with enough gap in between to fit through an elephant. The world often conspires against me, so the train system will be down, the bus will get a flat tyre, or there'll be an alien attack, localised to the specific terminal I'm heading towards. And it's always a pain in the ass. It works out, always. Well almost, the times it doesn't I end up paying the fees through my nose, like the time I had to buy an expensive amtrak ticket from Philly to Boston, what a bummer that was oh boy.

In any case, I should really learn to travel without a heavy rucksack. Because I end up not using most of it, most places I travel to have laundry anyway, and do I really really need a dozen pairs of underpants and 8 pairs of t-shirts to change? Like am I moving across the country for good everytime I go somewhere or what. Yeah I need the two two laptops because workstuff, personal stuff. And a book, to impress the ladies, always. And a backup pair of hearing device. And several pairs of chargers. A portable battery, obviously. And my quite heavy travel bathroom kit because gimme those vitD's!

That's something that I need to work towards. Yeah there's the 'whoa this is so cool traveling with half my lifetime belongings on my back' factor, but it gets old real quick, and beyond that your friends make fun of you. People will understand if I'm not dressed to my nines, I didn't pack for the party. When the movies show the cool traveler guy, they need to cut that shit. You can't just carry 45lb on your back and run through the globe having wacky adventures spending time with hot models and have that not affect your knees, you know? Not like they're working on their legs/knees anyway those bros, only about the abs ugh. This is an unrealistic representation of people who randomly travel around, and it needs to stop!

This has been the story of my life up to this point and I'm wondering if this needs growth and maturity. Perhaps I need to get a car or a thing of the sort, that'll make my life simpler, take me closer to the mountains.

Evaluating all the options on how I might want to take myself further now.

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