Everybody bikes everywhere in Seattle, the uphill rides as well

 It's not like there aren't serious bikers in Boston, in serious numbers, but it's a different story in Seattle.

The city's got some serious biking infrastructure: the parks have separate lanes for bikes, so do all the streets, and most large avenues have separate signaling for the bikes. The buses hold more of those, and there are racks in every block.

I find this all quite impressive because unlike Boston which is more or less flat, Seattle's quite a hilly city. And despite that people seem to bike everywhere, quite seriously. Guess why they look so fit huh.

Don't know if I have a planned post to mention electric bikes and scooters, but there's used here in absurd numbers, and there's a 'spot' for them every few blocks as well. I don't know how it'll work out in the East coast, but here micromobility seems to be killing it.

Funny story from Sb, family, who I finally met up with. He's apparently had two of his bikes stolen already, both from inside the house, and is on his way to acquiring the third. Friend A has two bikes stored inside his closet on behalf of two friends. And none of these people are particularly sportsy or otherwise bike-friendly people.

Let that tell you everything you need to know about what a micromobility-obsessed city Seattle is.

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