Frequently asked questions about why the Prince of Matura is acting so sketchy

Why was he laughing like a madman when Bhim's dear son Ghatotkacha was killed by Karna's Indrastra? What sort of fool is he to celebrate a dear friend's son, a related nephew too!

What is it that was happening with Arjuna and him during that time in the middle of the war when they both seemed high and zoned out and weren't really paying attention to their surroundings? We had to risk our necks to save them! Were they high or drunk, and can they not show even a modicum of responsibility?

Is it true, the stories of him and all those women, and is it because he's a King that the rules don't apply to him, or should we get our right-hand men to call us gods as well and apply the same standards to ourselves?

Why was he giggling with joy and excitement, and some say even doing a little jig out of joy after the Pandavas lost the dice and were getting ready to go to the forest? Is it possible he orchestrated all of it, and he was somehow benefiting from the loss of the Pandava nation? Was he possibly a paid spy in deep cover?

What of his relationship with the Kunti's-son Krishna and Draupdi Krishna, these three are always seen together giggling and having merriment and generally being uncomfortably physically handsy with each other, can you please explain to us the exact nature of their interpersonal relationship and exactly what is off-limits in that triangle?

 Speaking of which, we are told that he was doing a lot of 'background' work at King Drupad's palace when Panchali was to be married, before the display of the bows that Arjuna so rightly won. What was the need to interfere in those matters and why exactly did he feel the need to intervene in other people's personal matters, let alone in the life of a Princess of a different country. And if he is really the God as they say sometimes about him, do gods really need to come down to the earth and micromanage the course of the events so they happen exactly as anticipated?

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