Should I learn to make block prints?

I registered for the Spring session's courses!  I will keep taking the ongoing course I have, the drawing from observation one. Not clear if I'm getting any better, but hella fun it is, so another quarter another couple of hundos will make me better if nothing else. Plus another course called 'dancing for fun', which should be about as fun as it sounds. Looked into registering for ceramics course, but the price is up to 460 bucks now, plus they only give you three extra hours of studio time besides the class hours, and it's uhhh not enough for my ambitions. So no more ceramics for the foreseeable future. Shoulda' taken it in college, in hindsight...

They're offering a lino-cut block print course though, and I'm wondering if I should take it. The hours are extremely strange and unfavorable, unlikely to work with me, but the concept has ignited a strange passion inside me. What if I got friend wc to print me a bunch of 3d printed blocks for printing, and created my own block prints and postcards. They could be multi-colored too, like gaugin's, and I could use other weird techniques like shifting them around, glass printing them, or even...I don't know...using advanced techniques? I don't know the first thing about block printing though, when I meet wc next, I should talk to him about it and see how open he is to lending me his three-dee printer for fun stuff!

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