Things as they are and other nonsense

Just keep writing until it feels boring and lame, that's what I'm telling myself, because I haven't done one of these on this blog forever despite so many of the recent posts being personal ones, journallike, I haven't been able to open really you know because structures and topics and what not, sometimes though one wonders if all this writing is doing active harm to writing habit and techniques and then it dawns upon the writer that without this creative outlet there would be very little else happening so whatever is being given to the world may be less than good, awful even but it's all for the sake of learning, getting to understand oneself and the world, speaking of which and apropos to nothing relevant really there are people who one has so much fun talking even when strictly speaking those aren't ideal conditions and it's not just because those are forbidden situations, it's just some people are compatible in certain ways and when the compatibility aligns in good ways, but also disaligns in the wrong ways it's the worst because how might one be able to work on the dynamic because it has no future and many grown-up adults have had such little life experience beyond their extremely tight social and geographical bubbles that they legitimately believe compromises aren't worth making and things will work out because they have always done so and it's quite likely they're going to be right and nobody is complaining about that here, it's just an observation that good things happen every so often and to be unproductive due to such reasons is such a joyful situation to find oneself in, and finally I wish seattle had more thunderstorms and heavier rains because sometimes I miss the sound of rain and the fake sound that plays on the device hinge health sent me doesn't quite do it as well.

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