Hydroponics is finally set up! [Thu 22]

heavy writing at work, setting up hydropponics, oats and banana with kefir for lunch, last of the pancakes with bean soup and last of the saag for dinner, heavy writing after work, walk to volunteer park and back

I write this on the evening of Saturday because Fridays have somehow turned out to become my wildest days of celebration where nothing gets done, not even the things I should be doing to continue existing as a fully functional human being. It's unfortunate but...whatever...

During the day I was quite busy at work, got some good work completed and felt nice. Had oats with banana and kefir for lunch, then cleaned up my plants, watered them and then set up my hydroponics set with a bunch of pothos plants. Two days later some have started showing signs of leaf burn but if they can't handle the heat, what are they good for even?

Did some heavy writing for project Phoenix after work, three rounds at the Volunteer park while listening to podcasts and back in the evening, and had the last batch of pancakes with bean soup and the last of saag for dinner. It was a lazy day to be writing, needed so much goshdarned motivation to do it, but my checklist life was successful, got the workouts done, gone other chores cleaned up quite easily. Some progress is being made!

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