Project phoenix essays coming to the most challenging part

I have updates on the Project Phoenix situation. There's some news on the scope of the whole thing, and a good news bad news. I have decided that I will be okay releasing a MLP (a minimally lovable product) that perhaps doesn't need to include everything and the kitchen sink for the website to be published out for the world to see, so my final output should be about 20 hours away, barring the editing time in the final posting stage and the technical website work which I'm choosing to ignore for this round. Content first, lets get this shit out da' door, then we'll focus on making shit nice. So 20 hours seems achievable seeing as there's 5 more days of February left. Some of the posting might get shifted into March, and the first few weeks of March might be spent for version 2, but I'm okay with cutting March madness short.

Next I've got the good news. The thing that I've been the most fearful about in the project, the long technical essays are so close to be done. 25 of them are complete save for the final editing process, which means there's only 6-7 left. The bad news is they're probably going to be the hardest of the bunch and might take the longest time. But maybe not, who knows...2 p5js tutorials should be decently easy, 3 posts for LLM's will need some research to be done but are totally doable, the longest and the most time consuming will be the 1-2 posts for Golang tutorial...goal is to run Golang in the server, on android and the browser and post the tutorial of it online. Don't know why I'm putting myself through that misery seeing as I don't even use it on a daily basis, but my hypothesis is, there's got to be some thing that shows I've got core technical competency and some skill at technical writing, and this will be my chance.

Beyond that, it should be smooth sailing. I can't wait for this phase to end, so I might give myself a treat at coche valley...

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