Fulfilling civic duties and Trader Joe's snack [Wed 21]

Fire at work that I cause, breakfast of pancakes, rush to the seattle public hearing, great contribution feeling productive, walk to the office and back, quick TJ's grocery trip, lots of writing,  dinner of sandwich including eggs and many spreads, sleep slightly late

Caused a pretty big fire at work the night before, and we spent the rest of the day trying to fix it, it was done at 1.30PM est so no rest or relax or unwinding for me for that entire time. And the rest of the day was spent recovering emotionally from having messed things up so bad. Had a breakfast of pancakes in the morning, didn't take photos of it for some strange reason.

A bit before work was over, put on nice clothes, quick shower and shave and rushed to the train station, to go to Seattle City council for a special meeting. I contributed there by providing feedback and felt so good, there was also a couple of school kids there though, so perhaps this should have happened much earlier. Walked to the office from there, had a tea and a coffee and unwound, and eventually walked back to my place. Wrote a little bit for the Phoenix project, and then did a quick TJ's grocery trip where I bought the Froozo snack as a pick-me.

Wrote a bunch in the evening, was so so very tired. Dinner was egg sandwich with tomatoes and lots and lots of sauces and cheese and spreads.

Sleep was a little late than usual because writing was so very procrastinated.

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