A comment on the current state of affairs

TLDR: why coming to America is still a good idea but how things have changed recently.

America may be fucked up, and shit's real bad, for immigrants and non-white folks. But it's still safer and a better place for opportunity than Europe, maybe even Australia. But the direction it's been taking is dangerous, crazy scary. While the rest of the world wants to get towards a better, kinder directions, Americans are rushing towards blowhard evil xenophobic crazy violent direction, even when they're starting from a much better place.

Yes, I can make a lot more money here. Yes, all things considered I'm probably a lot safer here in big cities as anywhere. Yes, things won't probably be really really bad for quite some time. But still. I want the dignity of a human being, of a first-class citizen. I don't want my friends to be afraid of living their lives because some fucking piece of shit my call the cops on them, or make racist attacks, or try to mow them down with a gun, or try running them over with their smalldickcomensatory vehicle. This country exists in this equilibrium because the rest of us have agreed admitted grown accustomed to the fact that we're not real people, we're the side-piece, supporting actors. We're not real people, no matter what we do, and we need to live in fear because this is not our place.

It doesn't need to be like this. There are places where it's not like this. And sure, no where's perfect, but the direction, the trajectory this country is taking is a strange one, and I'm not sure what amount of wealth and fortune is enough to justify this level of lack of dignity.

Am I mad? Yes. But I'm also sick and tired of everything that's happening. There's only so many things you can get mad at on a daily basis.

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