Early weekend celebrations [Thu 28]

It's 11.50 in the evening, will finish this in five minutes because I'm sleepy and need to sleep asap to keep up my morning habits. In whatever order, here's the things that I did today, here, we, go!

Got up at 7 in the morning, snoozed my alarm only once, changed walked over to PN's despite the rain, asked him if he wanted to go to the park which he didn't. Walked back, wrote a tonne of posts, started working attended couple of meetings, did some work, wrote a lot more. I've written like maybe 5000 words over the course of the day, wish I could be proud of that but there's one more thousand word that's due for yesterday that needs to be done for this month.

For breakfast I had a banana, S's pb&b shake, lunch was potato-and-ketchup toast sandwich. Late lunch was baked pasta from last night. Finished work, still wrote a lot, planned to walk out, but the rest of the gang showed up. We (read: S) made TONNE of pakoras: paneer, potatoes and cheese, onion and cabbage, all of which we devoured within moments. Then he made rice puddings which we devoured too. Watched several episodes of the office, the guys played fifa, looked for nice cheap houses to buy around the area.

In the late evening we were unsure what to do so we played a very exciting and competitive game of poker. I lost the final hand to P, but it was a really really dangerous game, and if he'd lost it that would have been a very memorable loss. Maybe it's because we're playing often, or because there's quite a few of us, but our poker games have gotten increasingly fun and higher-stake.

After everyone left S went to sleep and I started writing the day's posts, despite already having written a fuckton because why not. Almost didn't write this but here we are, I made it! Gonna close it out and go to sleep, it was an early weekend celebration this thursday evening, what a good night. Good night myself from the future!

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