fictional corona complaints

jeez it's like you didn't even consider the implications your actions would have on other people, shyam said to himself as ben crashed into the couch.

you tell me man, ben said, isn't that like so much fcking bullshit old people shouldn't be walking out there just like that it shouldn't be my responsibility to keep them safe. At least keep away from other people order online and don't literally see anyone else how hard is that, leave the hard part for us young folks how hard is it to get that. And the whole store the entire fucking place was staring at me like I'd killed a baby goat and eaten it alive even those stupid little twerps were giving me the daggers. It's not like illegal, you know, it's still a goddamn free country to walk outside being judged, the way they looked at me it was as if i'd killed someone and fucked the body, then chopped it into little bits and fed it to like sick children or something. jeeez get a life people it's not a big deal as long as people maintain distance or whatever it's going to be fine you don't need to get all tizzied up. everyone's overreacting you know as if they're all like fucking doctors and epidemologists, this is all bullshit.

shyam mumbled something and started on his third can of the expensive craft beer of the evening.

Well the good news was I got everything i wanted, so that's good but I didn't feel good man it's like I don't even feel likee going outside of the house anymore, and if something bad happens to me or if I get depressed or cabin fevered up or some indoor diseases, it's all the the fault of those fuckers on tv and everyone else who's just freaking out. Oh wait. Or maybe maybe. That's what they want me to do hide inside the house like a mouse so they can do whatever the fuck they want without me out there. I guess I'm just gonna have to go out all the time now without masks or anything just to piss off those assholes, see how much they can glare at me. It's still a free fucking country last I checked they can't put me in the jail for not wearing some stupid face covering this is not some bumfuck saudi arabia this is America we have our freedoms we'll die to preserve them!

Another can of the beer done. Shyam was on his final can for the night. He would go to bed after the last can.

Like is our whole life supposed to stop now and are we like pause to death or pretend to be statues because that's what this is turning into a whole load of crap. It's got to be logical! I understand it's some disease and what not but tell me can you just explain to me what the game plan with those retrds is what exactly they're going to do in two months when the economy's still dead and no one's out because people are too fucking tired and afraid and even depressed to come out. It's so unfair nothing makes sense. It's not the disease that's killing people honestly it feels like it's the people that's killing other people and the disease is just like the onlooker who happened to trigger a dangerous fire but wasn't really responsible for any deaths by itself. Yeah the economy's all fucked up it shouldn't have been in this place we had to be more robust I get all of that okay what my problem is with now is the fact that us normal careful people have to suffer for mistakes of companies that were not careful. Like why did you not save for emergencies like this, you have to pay something. The government's just gonna let them go scot-free even though it's due to them everyone has to suffer. I tell you it's just some few bad-faith actors, idiots who don't know what's good for everyone and what's not that screw it up for the rest of us. Without them the world would be such a better place.

Shyam nodded, shaking his head vigorously. Time for bed man, but I agree with you a thousand percent, he said, as he went to the restroom to get ready to sleep.

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