Rowina river, disappointed

Rowina wasn't upset no no no, she didn't understand why everyone thought she was upset, that was ridiculous. She was the mistress of all her emotions in complete control she never had an outburst like so many other people including him oh dear his outbursts were a lore inside the school now. She was patient and if she needed to take revenge upon anyone not that she was the kind of person who'd be into that, she'd wait for a long time to plan it out and execute with a cool head. She wasn't hotheaded she was difficult to annoy and she certainly didn't get ahem triggered like so many of them young kids. She was a mature woman capable of making decisions with full consideration of the long term impacts. So it was annoying when there were rumors going around that she was because of something that had happened in the field. Yeah her crush had kissed someone she didn't had high opinions of but Cho was alright really she was a sweet girl and smart too how else would she have made into the house otherwise and it was her friends that were weird. Though a person is judged by the company they keep and judging by the company Cho kept it was as if she didn't deserve to be in hogwarts at all. No, no, no! That was just her jealousy speaking she needed to control herself not let the snake inside her rise the fang of anger. Calm contained and quiet. Cool. That's what she was. There was no need of revenge there was no need of pettiness, it's fine. This is stupid, she's just a teenager jealous that her crush has feelings for someone else it's no big deal. She can find other guys, maybe not as sweet or nice, but more interesting probably. Better conversations most definitely. A good conversationalist Harry certainly was not and she certainly needed her partner to keep up with her.

The Gryffindor men were more her type that was the problem she didn't care for how smart or cool or accomplished a person was it seemed she was attracted by how stupid foolhardy and naive they were in their approach to danger. Bravery is bravery only when one considers fully the implications of the worse possible outcome...Rowina wouldn't admit it to anyone aloud inside Hogwarts but the fact was most of the Gryffindor lot were thick as birds they were, they jumped into whatever crazy adventures they could get without realizing the dangers they were putting themselves into. It was only because the staff at hogwarts was so capable, relatively speaking anyway, that they made out in one piece most times. The Weasley twins were alright eh, one of them she didn't care which one had tried talking to her and they'd hit it off but there was a gap they were too old. And they didn't act like their age. It wasn't that they were innocent or anything like Harry was they were immature. They refused to grow up, which wasn't a problem really no not at all it just wasn't her type. Why did he oh why harry Cho is so boring you deserved so better I'm so disappointed. Rowina took a deep long breath. Pause. It's going to be okay. No one is at fault here. He likes who he likes, Cho is a nice sweet person and she gets what she wants and she, Rowina will find someone else. Life doesn't always work the way you want it to and that's perfectly fine. She'd have been fine though, just fine fine fine if he'd just ended up with someone else, even Hermione or Ron's sweet sister. Hermione was smart, seriously brainy that was the sort that Harry would enjoy conversing with and learn from and Ginny just made you so happy with her brightness and optimism and the way she stood for what she thought was right. But no he went for Cho. Which was fine. So so so fine.

Rowina wasn't upset no no not at all, and she didn't understand why everyone thought otherwise. They just needed to chill chug a lot of butterbeer lock themselves up in a deep dark dungeon and go to hell.

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