Planned Crowne Meeting


Not that I ever went there with you guys, anyway, it's been a few years hai, let's catch up when you're in Nepal next. Take care xoxoxo.

I am in Nepal and it's difficult now. I'm stranded -- or rather saved at this point everything considered it's not the worst idea in the world to plant myself in here semi-permanently -- in Kathmandu they still haven't allowed full-flights and everything's booked for the next six months at absurd prices too. Someone suggested going to India and taking flights from there, but at that point I might as well just jump into...various water bodies where I'm unable to swim. India's by far the highest number of infected now and that's even after the governments refusal or rather inability to test everyone. There's at least twenty times as many people who're infected -- half the people entering Nepal are testing positive so something's up. This is going to be a bloodbath, I'd rather starve in Kathmandu than risk taking flights from India.

At least Kathmandu is open. Cabin restaurants are open. Everything is a cabin restaurant now even those small khaja ghars have acrylic cabin walls. Nothing will let you enter without masks on, not even those goddamn public toilets which I guess works out fine all things considered but how are people to know they need to to clean after themselves better if they can't smell their own damn shit. Watching movies in the theater is a strange affair, they're filling every other seat. It's..strange. They're not letting tourists in yet but the government is considering letting the Chinese in, under the Chinese government's supervision -- they're saying the Chinese government will guarantee that none of its tourists are infected and be responsible for outbreaks. There's lots of resistance but it'll break, hotels and restaurants can survive for only so long with zero income the waiters and servers need to pay their rents etcetera.

We joke we should meet at the restaurant in the Crowne Plaza, because Corona. Not a funny joke but it's something.

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