It was a Saturday [Saturday 9]

Only the highlights because I'm running out of time patience energy haven't done my super duper secret personal journaling in several days now because feel bad about being behind times here by two days so sad, this is for Saturday and after this I need to write for Sunday and Monday so many things to write about.

We had roasted veggies for dinner and homemade bread eggs avocado for breakfast, the day was spent lazing around P celebrated his weekend well listened to so many hindi songs, I ate a few more of those gosh-darned chocolates they're not good at all and still ate, went out and sat in the Sun and that's about it really, oh yeah P cut a pinepple and I had it that's the end of it. Listened to a TONNE of Nepali songs, mostly by our friends and their partners and their friends felt proud etc etc.

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