Youtubes every household!

Everyone's got a youtube now, and the trend is upward. SS and JM (Phd) started their adorable youtube channel, my sister has a youtube, friends families everyone's producing youtube content. So much of it so good. Cool thing is, this could be a new wave of impassioned youtube content producers who are in it for the love of the craft whatever that may be instead of money grubbing attention hungry click-optimisers. They say youtube was better in its earlier days when not everyone was after the click, no one was gaming the system there were no ridiculous video thumbnails the world was a more innocent place. If I were to judge i'd say we're returning to those for the most part. Sure there's attention-seeking annoying desperate glitzy ditzy youtubers the influencers but the age of influencers has gone or so it seems. Perhaps it's me imposing my wishes upon reality. But ostentatious display of wealth doesn't look good amidst a global pandemic so the high-falutin' ones have to make themselves look and feel more approachable. This could be good.

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