Momo and hike [Saturday 16]

This is 1 am Monday morning, I'm finally only a day behind, have written all the super-relevant posts, have to do 8 posts tomorrow for today and tomorrow will think about that during the day. Here's what happened on Saturday though.

Got up real early in the morning, had leftover breakfast, it was bright sunny warm perhaps a bit much but happily so outside. Danced to random songs, watched six episodes of bojack which I loved by the way see the previous posts on that, took a two hour nap, cleaned up, went with everyone to the marsh.

It was dangerous, even more dangerous than the DC drive we did on Friday. At least in DC maybe 20% of the folks outside had their masks on, in the forest the marsh maybe 5% people did and they didn't seem interested in maintaining social distancing at all. We didn't even see anything cool except a bunch of big fat bald eagles right in their nest the same place we found them the last time. Almost stepped into a garden snake on our walk back, we hurried back to the car and drove back to A's. S came there too (we're just meeting one another btw, and live reallly close by.

We made momos and ate 'em. I had vegetarian momos obviously, the momo ko achhar was amazing momo was pretty good too. We watched the 2020 graduation thing hosted by obama among other people had a good old time figuring out puzzles and word games. Got back home at 11 ish, spent the next two hours talking to N. Went to sleep but didn't feel like it really so spent the next two hours talking to M (Ger) on the phone. By the time I fell asleep it was probably a little past 3 in the morning.

It was a good happy day even though I didn't get any writing done or worked on my project work. Bojack was a nice experience and the nap so refreshing oh.

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