Oh where oh where does the future lie

On one hand I'm having a good time with my friends in VA. On the other hand a 3-day visit has turned into a 2-month-long and running trip.

Original plan was to go home on the 16th of March. That didn't happen. The other plan is to spend time at S's for a couple of weeks, somehow make it to Philly to NG's for several weeks or month or so and then once (when, hopefully) things cool down the world has turned into a saner place make my way to Boston. Back to my room, my apartment. Comfy and safe, with roommates.

That plan has had several failures. No matter.

One reason, an argument why Boston shouldn't necessarily be a destination is that there's not much to do there. Not that there's anything to do anywhere in these times, but here at least P has a car and we can drive around, they're both passionate about cooking new things we make so many cool experimental items. In Philly N lives at the center of all the world and sure that means it could be potentially crowded but that also means not a lot of office-goers and not that many people live in the downtown also there's a cool trail nearby where N has started biking at. Things to do. Also Boston weather sucks.

On the other other hand, it'd be nice to see the good ole' beantown and roommates with whom I haven't properly hung out since late January -- gone for all of Feb, there only for 10 days in March and gone for the rest, away for April and May possibly June too. It's wild times, haven't spent this long away from the place since my unemployed days, and oh boy those were different times.

Most important thing however is that I'm going to stay away from crowds and people even loved ones in July, the first week and the rest because it's likely Americans will have gotten truly tired and annoyed with this state of things and given up by then. Sad but true. There's going to be a tsunami then, got to be careful.

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