Gloomy sunday, yucky leftovers, poker, American idol [Sunday 17]

Got up at 8-ish which was way way too early because I'd gone to bed at 3.30, having talked to N till 12.30 and then to M for another two hours.

The day was sad gloomy oh so depressing. I tried sleeping probably in the morning didn't work. At 12ish started working on the sourdough crepes. I've perfected those kinda' they're so thin and papery you can pretty much see through them, it's genius. P made salsa with lots of olive oil in case the paper-thin crepes were not filling haha, and I threw down a can of chickpeas on the pot. It looked gross so I added tomatoes and then half a bell pepper and cooked it until the kitchen was filled with toxic fumes. Just to make sure it wasn't a total disaster added a tone of lime juice too. It turned out pretty well maybe I needn't have worried as much. Solid meal, I'm so very sold on sourdough crepes.

Chilled got caught up on posts, talked etcetera for the rest of the day, headed to S's next door for poker and American idol watch party because of the guy who shares my last name. Also meant to go for dinner, but I ate the most disgusting food I've had in recent memory before leaving. I wanted to finish the cheesy 'pita' chips because PN said they wouldn't but I was too lazy so I microwaved it. So chewy and touch it was an awful experience I feared losing my crown.

Went to S's, played poker almost won but lost in the last round by a low-pair to a higher pair, watched the American Idol after voting for like 90 times between just us. Complained about it being unfair etcetera. Got back home to PN's and that was the day, don't remember what I did later besides more writing for here, went to bed at a reasonable time though.

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