Horror movie BooOOoooooOO

We are here and this is now, don't think about what might happen and the terrible fates we're encounter when someone discovers all of that, this is not a horror movie okay the dead don't come back to avenge upon their murderers by picking us off one at a time scaring us to our wit's end until we're pushed from a ledge or the third-story balcony. We'll be fine ghosts are all losers they can't do much it's no big deal, ghosts are losers remember that always if they were so great they'd be alive not transparent and ethereal and lame all they can do is booOooOo wear white sheets turn their feet around it doesn't make sense it'll be fine things will be fine don't worry.

Is that window rattling downstairs though it's not raining or windy at all and should one of us go check it disappear and then have someone else just one person probably a girl go in to check up on the first person and not come back. The third person, will will he have to go because at this point they expect us to send a guy don't they even with an ax checking what's up the rest of us hear a blood-curdling scream -- sidenote what does curdling blood look does it have a physical meaning -- and we're all freaked out?

As it will turn out it'll have been the tv just the tv, haha we'll lower our guards all of us in the same room now of course nothing was wrong and talk about how we mowed over a group of some kids or old people or some kind of mixture of handicapped kids who're as sick as old people and are also suffering with cancer we'll try explaining it off as just another mistake everyone makes mistakes people should not lose their lives to the criminal system for accidentally hitting people who weren't wearing bright clothes in the dark and some dickwad has to point out it was all accidental was it we were drunk and high off of so many drugs oh so much drugs ahh what good times we had the rush of blood and endorphin the feeling of excitement the cold air blowing against our face and hair and someone says hey I dare you to get as close as you can get to these sickly-looking bald children on the sidewalk at 2am and everyone is egging you to do it and then. Splash. Crumple crumple crumple. Shrieks. Revving engine burning tires smoke. It could have been a dream it must have been a bad bad dream forget about it that never happened. Shared delusion. That's what it was.

Fast forward. Fast forward fast forward fast forward. The conclusion revelation after the horror and terror. You're expecting the ghosts to kill everyone and be awful about it maybe have one or two people survive to recollect the horror and set the stage for a second movie. In it the friends who have been murdered are probably gonna terrorize the families of the survivals because it was like shared responsibility maaan! Wrong wrong wrong, that's not how the movie ends. The ghosts of the children are there to thank you or something to that effect. They weren't real children they were ghostly apparitions stuck in limbo barely existing suffering suffering of humanity and without the benefits of the ethereal existence and needed to be liberated but despite acting creepy af no one helped them and we, the idiots high on drugs set them free into the ghostly world and now that they've done the thanking they're free to move on to wherever and they disappear.

And then the real horror movie begins. That's the second movie.

There was someone else. There was someone else. I swear, I swear I swear I saw a homeless person there I remember that and later he was not there anymore.

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