It's all so stupid

Everything is stupid. The world is stupid

The sun is stupid. Stupid stupid sun
The wind is stupid, so stupid, stupid idiotic wind
Earth, obviously, stupid as well
Water too
Plants suck, they're such fools
Annimals are the worst, because they're stupid
People are stupid, really stupid, stupid, so very stupid
Viruses, okay they're like pretty smart, but in the big picture,
That they got involved with the whole thing, that they're
going after a bunch of big fat stupid losers means
they're stupid, really the stupidest of them all

I'm stupid, you are too
And this is a stupid poem, on a stupid website
On the stupid internet, which is literally the worst
Utterly absolutely piece of shit stupid
Embarrassingly so, we'll find out in the future
The concept of art is stupid, so are the critics
And so are the ones who don't get it.

Literally, I can't think of a single thing
That's not stupid.
Which reminds me, thinking is stupid
The concept of 'single' is stupid
So's the idea of 'thing'.
What a stupid word 'concept' is,
And memories are the stupidest.
It's all so crassly stupid, so mindnumbingly so,
It's so stupidly mindnumbing to be amidst of it all.

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