Cooking again

I fried rice the other day, made a bunch of things last week and the week before. Cooked potatoes today, something I hadn't done in a really long time. I'm surprisingly good at cubing potatoes when given a good knife, apparently.

Cooking doesn't take too long, helps de-stress and you can eat the result of the task. Imagine if you were engineer, except you could eat the output of your program. That'd be pretty sick. Cooking is exactly like that, same same.

We've run out of vegetables to cook, it's a bit tough right now. We got several bunches of leafy greens last week, had to throw them all yesterday because they'd yellowed. It was such a heartbreak. I hated leafy greens as a younger person, now they're my jam! Shows how much you can change! Only one of the few ways I've grown over the years tbqh.

Things I want to be cooking again: pressure cooker beans, green veggies, roasted veggies, flatbreads, mushroom curry, various kinds of lentils, among other items.

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