Sun, TJ's fancy mask and desserts [Thursday 7]

It's almost 9am the next morning, was too tired due to the intense grocery trip sunbathing got the giggles late in the evening too couldn't focus enough to write here, didn't write during the day because was otherwise occupied. So here's the things that happened in chronological order, here we go.

Morning got up late lazy caught up on work, lunch was lazy lazy what did I get I don't remember I think it was eggs and stuff it was good but I don't remember huh weird strange, and then work ended, well not really but at 4-ish I went out to bathe in the sun I mean sunbathe you know what I mean chilled we listened to music from all of our friends and people we know looked at the clouds it was dope. And then we came back home figured we had to make dinner checked in the fridge said lets do snacks before doing dinner later, so we cleaned up the leftovers as snacks left for a walk and were too full decided you know what maybe screw the dinner we'll figure something out.

Walked to TJ's people were wearing masks more than ever but they're not wearing masks as much as they should and running and biking and oh so careless why don't they freaking get that they need to protect themselves and their communities quite annoying went to TJ's at least there everything was being disinfected and everyone was wearing masks the really strong kinds of masks that was quite encouraging. We got ice cream, some sort of cake but that was really tiramisu coffee liquor thing, lots of naans, it was good. SO heavy though the cashier put everything in the same bag.

Got back, said screw the dinner had one piece of the dessert each ate chocolates with liquor inside it it was gross so ate lots of chickpea wasabi and then got the gigglies for a bit. Thought I was going to sleep immediately somehow got into talking with N nice family related conversations for almost two hours more than that even as P slept. Went to sleep a little after midnight because I was tired and sleepy didn't write obviously because there was no situation to watch.

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