The important lies that we tell

It's important to keep telling important lies. Even if you don't believe a hundred percent in something, it is important to keep re-iterating the things you wish you believed, the values you should live by, even if you don't believe in them. Lies are an important means to signal intent and values and principles.

America was not completely honest when it talked about human rights, and press freedom and democracy and free and fair elections and gender rights and a thousand other things. And we knew they were not being truthful, they knew that too for the most part. Now that the orange clown has taken over, they don't even bother to pretend, they don't care, they don't bother to pretend. And now they've communicated they don't hold those values and principles any more. That the ball of flaming shit doesn't care about any of the values any tin-pot dictator in any shithole would believe in, or pretend to believe in. And now things are fucked up real bad.

If you intend to convey your values, keep lying about things you intend to believe in.

That is all. Sigh.

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