Things not to do during corona times

  • Don't go pecking at grains out in the open like a chicken
  • Avoid contact with 'wet' market, market, or any kind of modern commerce really. Hunker in the bunker.
  • Don't be a doctor, or even worse. Choose a better profession that's more physically and financially rewarding.
  • Don't be poor, seriously. People may tell you it's a good idea, but it's not. Don't be poor.
  • Run naked in the public parks. Don't! Yes there's a lot fewer people out there but there's never the right time for that. Besides, that's just opening up more 'pores' to soak in the virus.
  • Wonder aloud at Home Depot if the virus is transmitted sexually, or through sexual fluids. Just Google like the rest of us.
  • It may be tempting but don't 'invest' in antique lamps. The sellers massively overstate the probability of finding a genie. Besides, genies wouldn't be able to help with the current situation
  • Don't go mowing other people's lawns, because they might want to turn them into vegetable gardens and also might shoot you dead, now that they're home 24/7.
  • Don't go around kissing other people's pets. Yes you are lonely but pets can transmit the disease too, specially if you're so close to their mouths you might as well be making out. Might as well.
  • Don't forget it's only your sourdough that's supposed to smell sour, not everything else in your house too.

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