The demonic manifesto

We are not radically evil. We are no different from them. If anything they lust more than we do their crave for flesh and food is greater than ours. We started from the save place, a search for immortality, and there is no difference between morality between us. Why then are they afforded greatness while we are banished in the deep caverns of filth hate and disgust. Why must we suffer as they enjoy the gains of what was our hard work too?

It is said in all the realms that we are born with the knowledge of our deaths, that our deaths are destined at the time of our dead, related to our actions how our ambition and hunger for power eventually undoes us every time. We are okay with that. What we must ask is, why don't the rules apply to them? Why are they the creators' favourite children as we are cast away, having to create our own worlds. Why must we defend ourselves while they are protected? What makes them them, and us us that gives them the access to those privileges we are not privy to?

What is evil?

Is it defined as anything we do, automatically, without the understanding of moral consequences? Because that is what has been spread around in the realms. Can we do anything that is not automatically evil? Can they do unforgivably evil deeds, that even the loving all-forgiving quarternity cannot unsee? If we can, why can they not?

If we are not fundamentally evil and there is an underlying system of dharma, as they so proudly and loudly profess to all the humans, can we be not evil by changing our actions? Can we be not evil while being their philosophical stances, or is opposing them by definition evil. Why must our actions be judged at such higher standards than theirs. Why is our default behavior considered to be evil, and theirs not, while the motivations behind those actions are so similar!

Is rebellion an act that is fundamentally evil?

Why must we suffer through existence while the Deutas enjoy?

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