
My podcast app, google podcasts goes upto 3x regular speed. Haven't gone that far yet but regularly listen to 2x, and it's starting to get too slow for me sometimes I'll do 2.2x...2.4x is the quickest I can go without losing the thread between sentences but who knows they wouldn't put it there for no reason would they?

2x is the fastest youtube will go, I've been listening to pretty much everything with very few exceptions at that speed. You get what you need, you don't care about the art and craft and the sounds, you're just after the information. Comedy is different yes, but not that much I regularly listen to no such thing as a fish , how did this get made, spilled milk, all at 2x to no discernible detriment.

The opposite really. I must have written about this before, probably when I was in Boston before going to Nepal. I've noticed I can pay greater attention to the content if the podcast's played faster. My theory is that the faster it's played the more my brain needs to pay attention and can't just 'background noise' it, and so the greater understanding and retention I get.

Interesting right? It's worth a try! At 2x you can listen to twice as many podcasts for the same time, probably even more if you 'eliminate silence' from the tracks, an option most modern podcast apps offer.

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