IRL fires and ordered fo0d [Wednesday 6]

This is 11.15 right now I need to be in bed by 11.30. Here's the things that happened today in chronological order, here. we. go.

Got up at 4.30 in the morning possibly because I slept I dunno when but way to early and too restfully. Couldn't go back to sleep but no matter spent a long long time daydreaming about agriculture in the moon, self-sustaining ecosystems there large solar panels google datacenters that'll allow you to watch all of youtube pretty much real time from the moon large data warehouses and datacenters on the moon commercial exploration and then a pretty healthy scientific community presence on the surface, larger than the one in the south pole. And then small bouts of military conflict and countries start embedding spies into their science corps, the chinese building a tonne of communications satellites and rover over the surface that gives you a good cell phone reception from anywhere in the body, a 300 MW secret nuclear powerplant that the U.S government makes public only after release and installation which attracts metal smelters and other companies who use the water and minerals there to create resources right on the surface, more interest in low-g 3d printers on the moon, a distributed web of small research satellites around the moon, until there's almost a viable population around the moon and her artificial. Almost. And then it got too long too boring possibly to dark to think about. Mind you this was not a dream, it was solid lucid thinking early in the morning that I spent three hours of this morning on. It's hard work okay.

Took a shower, did the posts for yesterday that I'd forgotten because of the giggles, started work so much to catch up on so hectic. P made the most incredible breakfast sandwich I've had in recent mem ory, our homemade bread of homemade yeast with crispy fried egg avocado and the potato chop. Dripping with fat and flavor amazing textures so much depth so good.

Since the day was cold and sad N lit up the fireplace, warmed myself once every couple of minutes before and during lunch, work was really busy and hectic. For lunch we had rice green veggies and mushroom stew it was great but avoided eating too much hopefully because full from the breakfast. After work ended wrote a bit more to catch up and then watched that new Netflix movie where this young high school girl with Chinese father helps a guy talk to a girl but then falls in love with one of them, it was alright I was doing other things but I didn't mind apparently though it got really high ratings on the websites.

We planned on making dinner but P was too busy and I wasn't feeling super healthy so we ordered out from dominos, and you know that story from the previous post. Watched couple of episodes of the office, just shot the shit wasted time and here I am finally freaking finishing the day's post on time.

Workouts are not yet in order though writing habits are as projected. Even if I ideally want to average somewhere between 4 and 5 posts a day I'll be happy doing 4 posts a day for this month always can improve on that as we go.

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