Apartment confirmation, leftover lunch and dinner, walk to the park, lotsa writing [Mon 17]

 Got up way too early, couldn't go back to sleep, nature is fixing my sleep schedule, thanks nature!

For lunch I had the leftover potato dish that I'd made the day before. Work was a little bit productive, first few days in a new team.

Got the information that my apartment situation had been confirmed, and all I need to do is sign it. Haven't signed it yet, two days later but that's coming.

After work put on some Conan podcast, and went on the 'scenic riverwalk' route. It's not as long as I remember it to be. Back home, fried some momos that I'd brought from NYC the day before for dinner.

At night wrote a lot, and I mean a lot lot lot, and slept at 12.30 because my body could literally not handle the stress etcetera. It appears my sleep issues are only an early Spring thing, wonder what that's about.

Slept listening to podcasts, could have been the office. That's how well I slept.

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