Back in Boston

I'm writing this nine days too late. I came back on the 5th, a little after midnight to this town and it's being written on the evening of the 14th. You know what's up with what now, let's move on.

I'm back in Boston, the 3-week scientific exploration of the city of Seattle has ended. I'm intrigued.

Return journey was usual, I missed my silver line connector my thirty seconds, went to South Station, got on the last red line to Davis and walked back at 1 in the morning. Lit up the three kinds of various candles in the room, dumped gallons of lavender oil on the containers, and let things uhh air out. It was decent by the time I was ready to sleep. The last time I came back things smelled like ass but they smelled like stale cigs this time around, a big if not exciting improvement in my book.

And then I fed myself like a baby for the next two days, trying to get my bearings right, a week later and I'm as good as settled. Departure tickets have been figured out, rents situation is under control -- a topic for potentially multiple posts here so keep tuned -- and the hangs are going on. For the next two weeks. And then it starts again. For the summer and a bit. And then reset. Once again.

While I'm still around, soaking in as much of the city as I can...from my apartment and neighborhood haha. Larger hangs for the next week, and the one after.

Oy, gods, make good things happen!

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